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Newsletter July

Dear friends and lovers of artist designed fashion, poetry and art.

This month of July I am inviting you to the Tuluminosa Showroom in the patio of my art studio and gallery, Translucidmindgallery in The House Of Presence, enjoy the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, try on some of the light weight perfect summer kaftans and sarongs, touch the silk of the scarf collection, be enchanted by the artful and joyful bag collection, and walk between some of the original canvases of the printed fashion. Have a glass of wine of a refreshing Marroquean green minted tea with me.

At the same time you will be surprised by the special exhibition on ceramic sculpture by Mexican artist Gustavo Perez next to my own ceramic sculptures.

Open all of July Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays 20.00-22.00h.

Or call for appointment anytime at +34 618 7090 11

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bolso susanne steines
bolsos news letter susanne
tuluminosa flyer
translucid mind flyer
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