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Susanne steines Blog



Ideas and some interesting facts from all over the world about the beautiful weaving together of life, customs, culture, art, poetry expressed in fashion of all times, places, tribes and nations. Starting today with a poetic view on present day diversity of fashion’s expressions.

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Can fashion be poetry?

Art is art. Fashion is Fashion.”  (Karl Lagerfeld) And: “Rose is a rose is a rose.” (Gertrude Stein).

What do a textile and a text have in common?

The Latin origine of the word: ‚texere’ means in Latin to weave, to compose a text, a textile – a composition of strings, colors, rhythms, sounds, a melodie to dance in.

1.) A textile: The home of our skin.

2.) A texture on the skin, a weaving of experience.

3.) A poem of ourselves.

4.) A favorite garment of life, a thread of time.

5.) The art to be what we feel like being.

6.) A fashion to be.

Poetry, following Mexican Nobel Prize for literature, Octavio Paz, “is the house of presence”, and a textile is a text we are wearing as the home of our skin in the present moment.

A texture on the skin, a text that goes under the skin, a weaver knows and we know of any of our garments  all the experience it carries, love, wisdom and emotions, daily life woven in every thread of a textile, a poem of being ourselves in the very moment.

The textile we chose to wear today is the poem of ourselves being within us,  a protecting second skin to be at home in ourselves, chez moi. The color we chose, the fabric, the style, the warmth we need or the freshness we want to breath.

What we are wearing right now is the garment of life in the present moment, a thread of time within the cosmic weaving of all times. The textile we wear, our fashion to be ourselves,  is a poem and a story continously telling itself.

Any weaver, poet, writer, artist of all the arts, musician, dancer, actor might touch a part of who we are, and any textile in all the existing variety will allow us to freely discover ourselves, express ourselves and to freely be what we feel like being:

Sexy, sober, decent, bright, uptight, relaxed, comfortable, elegant, sporty, kinky, queer, freer, flamenco, reggae, gipsy, funky, punky, hip hop, rapping, happy happening, pranky, angry, protest or practical, lusciously festive or simply pure beauty.



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